Friday, 13 September 2013

Black and unusual colored lipstick, yay or nay?

Black and unusual coloured lipsticks for day and evening wear, yes or no?

So guys i need your opinion, black, blue, green, yellow, orange and multi-colored lipsticks. Are they a yay or nay?

The reason i ask nis because i have a wonderful set of colorful lipsticks which i use for my makeup looks on instagram, but the thing is..that's all i use them for.

Why i hear you ask?

to be honest, im not quite sure.

I  think it might be the fear of rejection from those around me, not like my friends because they know what im like, but if i go out for a drink, i know someone is going to go 'why do you have black lipstick on, you a goth or something.' then more than likely the local idiot chavs will try and beat me up.

Because im wearing black lipstick or whatever colour

Sad isnt it?

is it just cool for beyonce? or can i?
When we see celebrities starting a new trend its amazing, its great, lets find that product, i want to look like them. But not.

Pale skin and black lips?

Irritating i know, that little voice in your head that makes you wonder and feel how those around you are going to react, whether its a new hair colour or lipstick.

But then again it may just be totally the opposite, why should we be scared to do something different and to question those who question us?

Next thursday i will test this theory by going out (to alton towers because its my friends birthday) and I will wear my black Barry M lipstick and report back to the reactions, comments and how i felt.
Like  a field test :)

In the meantime, enjoy and leave us a comment!
Zoe *

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