I WAS MY BIRTHDAY ON THURSDAY! (26th September) .....and i was 23....getting good and old. I always think in 2 years I'm halfway to 50!.
WHERES THE WRINKLE CREAM?!?....all joking aside I do see a bulldog smile coming along, i don't know if that's because i have chubby cheeks or what?
But anyhoo I had a fab day and got very spoilt by the boyfriend who also took me shopping and i hauled a lots of Forever 21 stuff (and i went in 5 separate times!) The reason being is that he got me 2 Rihanna outfits from River Island and we went into Forever 21 and both stood there and said..."Holy crap, most this stuff looks like rip offs or copy's of Rihanna's collection?!?." So we studies the outfits and rand back and fourth to F21 and tried to match them up. And i must say....Dayum! it was good! even down to the SWAG and $$$ Socks!
There will be more on that on a later blog where ill put the pics up :)
Otherwise, most of the things I've ordered off Ebay and other sites have finally come!
To start with is something I got off Wowcher, and the first of many things!
If you don't have it, you must! they even do an app for iphone!
So it came today! and it had everything in, the molds, serum in syringes, tooth cleaner and a foam cleaner on stick and even a LED light to excel l the process of whitening!.
With this came a colour progress chart and instructions on what to do, it says to use daily until the desired colour?!?
To be honest im pretty scared to use it, even though it is peroxide free,I have very thing teeth at the ends and you can basically see through the enamel.
Im scared that im gonna use it and itll soften or wear down my enamel and then my teeth will snap and break off till i look like someone whose going on the Jeremy Kyle show. This is my worst nightmare and often sends me in panic attacks till i spend £5 on sensodyne Pronamel toothpaste and like£30 on an electric toothbrush. Brill stuff.
I will let you know how ive got on :)
Anyway a while ago i did a rant and stuff on unique and dark colored lipsticks and I was going to wear my black lipstick to Alton Towers theme park and see what everyone's reaction was?
Yeah that didn't happen. Soz.
It was my mates birthday and me and 3 other lads went, so i didnt want to embarass them in the first place and i was stomping around in my black army rigger boots and that teamed up with black lippy, hmmmm, abit too gothic? So when i felt brave enough I put it in my bag to put on later. The sun was shining all the way there, until we got in and started queing, the heavens opened and we all got soaked to the bone (earlier i spent 1 hour contemplating to wear my mums waterproof red pack-a-mac and decided it was too frumpy and old). Stupid me, I paid the price, £6 to be exact for a bright yellow plastic poncho advertising the new 'Smiler' ride.
So when it was 2 ish we decided to get something to eat, and i freshened up in the loo and peeled the wet sticky jackets off my back and as i looked in the mirror It looked like the best Lady Gaga Applause makeup ever!
GOOD GOD! so i wiped it into somewhat a normal looking amount of makeup and ripped out my extensions and shoved it all into my bag.
Sod the makeup
Sod the hair
Sod what i look like
Then the sun came out and we all dried off and went home.
Although all of this hapened I had a fun and fab day with my mates and cant wait to go again!
I will do a black/different lipstick test and review, but for now its postponed due to bad weather.
Zoe x
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